Editorial Portrait Photoshoot for AARP Oregon

Always a pleasure to create environmental  portraiture for AARP.  They always do such a great job covering some pretty important issues for those over 50, and it is great to hang out with people that have so much life history to share.  

Over the last year we did a myriad of stories for them, including a story about how many older adults who were laid off during the recession were caught in limbo until their Medicare kicked in. Kathleen McCann, who we photographed in her amazing forest of a backyard says that without Medi­caid to close Medicare gaps, she would be overwhelmed by hospital, doctor and prescription drug bills.  

Then we shot RCA Moore for a story about family caregivers and how a new law called the CARE Act is being put in place to help keep them informed and involved. RCA was a caregiver for his wife but said he often didn't know how to help her.  

Next was Debi Friedlander and how she sometimes experiences food insecurity. Debi, a photographer herself, was a fantastic subject and her husband even lent us the light to put inside the fridge for the photoshoot, now that is teamwork.   

Finally is Kathy Goeddel, who has volunteered for over 30 years at Tax Aide, created in 1968 to helps seniors and low- to moderate-income individuals file their income taxes so they don’t miss a single deduction or credit. I sat in on one of her classes, and wouldn't have wanted to try an do it on my own!

Thanks to all these folks who shared a glimpse of their worlds with us.